At the end of ALuv’s 1st grade year, we focused on animals for a few weeks. Since he already had a lot of knowledge about animals (habitats, needs, etc.), I took it a step deeper for him and decided to start working on grouping animals in the animal kingdom. I created several activities that we used, and today I’ve bundled them up to share.
One of his favorite activities was the trip to the pet store (what kid doesn’t like a pet store?). As we walked around and looked at the pets, he carried a clipboard and he wrote down the animals he saw on the recording sheet you see above. Later, he cut apart the animal names he’d written down and we sorted them by animal group.
I enjoyed the summative recording sheet at the end of each animal group. It served as a review and and assessment of what he knew for each animal group we had studied.
We also used Adventures in Mommydom’s Animal Report Forms. We used them a bit differently than she suggests, but I LOVE how her kids used them in such creative ways!
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