Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Instant Blonde Highlights & Other Awesome Uses for Lemons

There are so many beauty uses for lemons. Lemon juice can whiten, brighten, and freshen every aspect of your beauty regimen-and we've rounded up enough ways to squeeze out some extra gorgeousness in everyone!

By Kate Winick - July 11, 2013

HAIR HIGHLIGHER: We’re betting you’ve already tried this one, but it works as well as ever. Apply lemon juice directly to strands to highlight hair while you’re out in the sun—or simply use a hairdryer.

FACIAL TONER: Lemon juice is a natural astringent. Apply a few drops to a cotton ball and use it in place of your regular toner to eliminate surface oil.

NAIL WHITENER: If dark polish has yellowed your fingernails, squeeze a lemon into a small dish and soak your nails in the juice for a few minutes to remove stains.

DIY DEODORANT: The citric acid in lemon juice kills odor-causing bacteria, making it the perfect emergency deodorant when rubbed under your arms.

CLARIFYING HAIR TREATMENT: A lemon juice rinse is a natural way to cleanse product buildup. Pour a mix that's one part water and one part juice over hair and let sit for one minute before rinsing.

HYPERPIGMENTATION FADER: Lemon is a legendary folk remedy for freckles or age spots. Apply juice with a cotton ball once per day to ligthen spots over the course of a few weeks.

FABRIC STAIN REMOVER: Almost any substance can be removed from fabrics with lemon juice. Create a paste by mixing with salt for tougher fabrics. For delicates, saturate the stain with lemon juice alone and rinse.

DANDRUFF TREATMENT: Lemon juice isn’t a preventative, but it’s great at removing existing flakes. Massage it into your scalp, leave on for ten minutes and shampoo as usual.

JEWELRY POLISHER: A lemon cut in half and dipped in salt offers the perfect combination of chemical and physical abrasiveness to clean brass, steel and copper.

BODY EXFOLIATOR: Mix one part lemon juice with two parts each of salt and olive oil to create an all-natural body scrub.

Kate Winick is a contributing writer on iVillage. Follow her on Twitter and Google+.

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